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Guardian Genius 69

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evecci | 20:28 Sun 22nd Mar 2009 | Crosswords
4 Answers
24 "It alerts doctor that woman from East London must not be heard swearing" appears to be BLEEPER (changed to BLEEDER). Can anyone explain the word play?


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A doctor is alerted by a Bleeper.

An East Ender not swearing would say Bleeder instead.
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Many thanks.
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Actually, BLEEDER has nothing to do with the answer. I should have asked:

24 "It alerts doctor that woman from East London must not be heard swearing" appears to be BLEEPER. Can anyone explain the word play?

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Answering my own question:

A BLEEPER alerts a doctor. The woman from E. London must not be heard swearing, so I guess we'll need to bleep 'er.

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Guardian Genius 69

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