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Thanks Rollo

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amtaff | 11:53 Wed 08th Apr 2009 | Crosswords
3 Answers
Is there a way of acknowledging someones reply other than by adding to the original thread? I often post a thanks many hours after the person has posted but they are unlikely to be still monitoring the thread, and so don't receive their appreciation.


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It's a good question, but on balance you waste precious space on the first index page by posting twice.

I can't speak for others, but I usually go through any questions to which I have replied in case there is any follow up query.

There has been a lot of debate on here about whether or not to say thankyou, but my personal opinion is that a small thankyou on the original post gives both thanks and an acknowledgement of closure for the question.
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Thanks Big Dave-we'll see if you read this!

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Do you know the answer?

Thanks Rollo

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