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Express Skeleton 19 May

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gard-ener | 22:18 Tue 19th May 2009 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Can anyone solve 24 across please?


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If you post the full clue, number of letters and any letters that you have placed I am sure that lots of people will try to help
We do not all have the paper.
A clue would be helpful please as we do not all read the same papers or magazines, ta v much, Simon
Snap again, Simon :-))
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Sorry but there are no clues in the skeleton crossword nor do I have any letters in to start with.
Yes, indeed ;-) Night night LadyAlex
Time for some zzzz's, Simon
The answer to your question is patently "Yes"
Good night Simon.
Sorry, cannot help you . gard-ener.
Very interesting to hear that the crossword has NO clues. Did have last time I did one of these. I admit you have to work out the length with the skeleton.
Also 24a did not exist, only 24d . . . .
Also, the date of the most recent Skeleton crossword was 17/05/09

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Express Skeleton 19 May

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