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Prospect Magazine August issue Generalist Crossword

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Rose Maybud | 14:47 Thu 23rd Jul 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers now available crossword/640.pdf

There is also a riddle on another page of the site ails.php?id=10963

which has a prize.

Good luck!



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thanks-though i'm still waiting for my prize from the xmas issue!
Have you thought about e-mailing them, yellow11?
Ring them Yellow11 - I won before Christmas (Novemeber I think) and had to ring the 3 times before I got my prize.
Question Author
I agree with the advice. I have been lucky enough to win twice. Both times the prize came direct from the publishers, so ample opportunity for the left hand not to know what the right hand is doing.

The first time I had actually promised the prize to my neighbour, who also does the Generalist and who wanted the prize (I don't wish to appear ungrateful but it wasn't my cup of tea). He has rather a forceful personality, so phoned Prospect on my behalf, with the result the prize arrived within a week.

The second time the prize arrived the day after the winner was announced. Can't get better service than that! I conclude it depends on the conscientiousness of the employees concerned.

Good luck with the chase - and this month's crossword!

Regards to all

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