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mos 1399

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fifercore | 11:25 Sun 16th Aug 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
This must be the first week in a long long time when nobody seems to need any help.
Is the crossword getting a bit too easy now, or are we all becoming too efficient on Google?
At my age I can't believe my intelligence is improving!


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i raised this question some time ago, and all i got was a load of abuse!!
Question Author
Thanks 19september. Sorry to hear about the response you got some time ago. Seems a fairly sensible question. No abuse for me (so far) but maybe the morning will brighten up yet.

Have a nice day y'all.
Question Author
You've lost me teeboy. Does this mean something?
I could well be posting a question, have'nt started it yet, hope you'll be there!
I thought it was easy today as well. It's nice to have a little chat, surely abuse in uncalled for and perhaps a lack of vocabulary. Enjoy your day.
19th september. I've only just started to day and so I can't vouch for what you say. Also, I didn't do the crossword last week and again can't say. But if I do get stuck I'll call on answerbank. Marbert.
Question Author
Thanks handbaglady and ronayne. Nice to have your comments.
Going out for early lunch to-day, so am now signing off.

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