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SAGA Crossword September 2009

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Devonian | 09:59 Sun 23rd Aug 2009 | Crosswords
3 Answers
Finished it, but where does the compiler find some of his clues? There were times when I was tempted to turn to one of the tabloid crosswords, with clues such as "Domestic animal - C"T", which are less mind-boggling.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Couldn't agree more. Though half the fun is once you have an answer the bigger challenge is "how the heck did he work this one through ?" This month's started well in LH corner but top RH corner is yet "no-go" and I have struggled for ages trying to get 6 dn - I've been thro' phrase lists galore (even Latin) without success. I have ??G?? ?S ?O ?A?I?G - am I on the wrong track ? help appreciated.
MY "G" must be wrong because I think it's "There is no saying"- a clever clue when you finally get it ! you have done well to crack it so quickly.
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A lesser known (and probably never used) meaning of the word "gnome" is a short saying, so, if the gnome doesn't exist, there is no saying.

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SAGA Crossword September 2009

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