I'd like to thank, from the heart of my bottom, some very good online friends who I think are fab, for various reasons. I won't name them as I may forget someone, and some people's heads would swell ridiculously. you're in there, btw ;o)
Thanks for giving me a cold again Santa.....sniffle,sniffle and I've got a bit of a sore throat!!
I've had the same gift for Christmas again this year!!! Isn't it just great eh??
So,I'm going to give myself a really good dose of Lemsip and honey before I head for my bed!!!
But,I won't let it get me down......oh no!!!
I'm going to enjoy Crimbo day tomorrow come what may!!
At least I've got my cool cyberspace friends here, they will keep my cold at bay just by reading the funny remarks!!
Aaaaaahhh,that's nice NoMercy.......very kind of you!
I'm trying not to let it get me down.....bloomin' freezing' weather.I hate winters!!!
Bring on the summer I say....I much prefer the warm sunshine....mmmmmmmm!!