Going back to Clamzy's question, there are four or five submissions that I've made that I know were incorrect (no doubt there were others), and I've made submissions for all - except last week's (4065), where I have 15 of the 17 clues cold-solved (but not the key 16-letter one) and not a single entry. It will be no surprise then, given my earlier comment on this puzzle, that I've found the last two of the year the least satisfying. My favourites have been 4018 (In Clue Order, On and On) by Loda, 4024 (An Additional Symmetry) by Waterloo, and 4028 (Indication of Height) by Mr E.
It's probably presumptuous of me to give this personal view, but I thought this was a good, rather than vintage year, with the Inquisitor series in the Independent Saturday Magazine often close behind, and with the Sunday Telegraph EV series being too inconsistent to be a challenge to the Listener (despite occasional brilliance).
Finally, I understand that Kea is the new first vetter so thanks to him for taking on that onerous task, and. of course, to John Green and the editors, without whom...