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I do not get this one please explain!!

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Gavmacp | 18:39 Fri 08th Jan 2010 | Crosswords
9 Answers
Citrus fruit, kind that is found around the North. Answer Clementine BUT WHY??


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could it be that it is inclement? as in the weather
kind is clement n orth is n, that is - i.e.
kind = clement
that is = ie
north = n
Clement (kind) + i.e. (that is) around N(orth)
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Thanks I could not work it out. I used to enjoy Observer crossword but over last couple of years I have found it mind boggling.
come on here any time to be deboggled!
Can you also help with Araucaria ??

I do The Guardian crossword daily, but I've stopped even trying Araucaria's

He drives me up the wall.
Jayne, there is a wealth of brains on here that never cease to amaze me with their solutions. If you have a problem, bring it on.
Thanks, GC

On whichever day next week The Guardian choose to torment me with Araucaria's warped compilation ...

... I'll be back.

JJ x

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I do not get this one please explain!!

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