Just seven days left to get your entry in. If you haven't started yet copies of the quiz can be downloaded from
http://www.billericaylions.com/quiz.htm and you can send your fee with your completed entry,
First Prize £50.00, Second Prize £25.00 ,Third Prize £10.00, Three Lucky Dip Prizes - £5.00
Entry Fee £1.00 - All profits to Lions Charity Account - Helping people in the local community.
You've watched the TV series, now try our quiz. There are clues to a 100 different places that can be found on, or near, the coast of the British mainland, we haven't even ventured on to the Isle of Wight. There is everything from large cities to small villages. We hope you will enjoy our selection of clues, some cryptic, some factual. To give a little more help we have included the number of letters in each answer.