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Tuesday Daily Mail

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Mctavish | 19:27 Tue 13th Apr 2010 | Crosswords
11 Answers
Two to finish help appreciated.
2d Sacred Heartt in Middle Eastern Port (4) ?C?E
24a After backward twists line spread out )6) S?R?W?


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2d acre

24a sprawl
-- answer removed --
Question Author
bibblebub could you explain answer for me please ?
2d sACREd (i.e. heart of 'sacred')

24a backwards twists = spraw (warps backwards)

and after that you want l (line)
Question Author
is it to do with warps + l ?
Question Author
Thanks bibblebub see it now.
Thanks also valentina09 for your help.
happy to help
warps means twist
so backwards twist = spraw
after backwards twist line (L)ine =sprawl
sprawl means spread out
Sorry, didn't refresh...:-((
Question Author
not to worry ladyalex put it down to a senior moment we all have them !!
Well I certainly do :-))

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Tuesday Daily Mail

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