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RTE 20

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lorus | 16:46 Wed 12th May 2010 | Crosswords
11 Answers
11a Clink goes the sound after hours (4-2 )

12a as seen from bounders beneath (5)

4d Characteristically unorthodox to a holy state (4)

19d Yet I rent out what may or may not be (8) I have "eternity " for this, but "E" does not fit in with 20a


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11 lock up
4 utah
suppose that 11 could be lock-in?
12a under
11a: I have lock in
12a: Under
4d: utah
20: is me

What do you have for 7d?
19d entirety also fits but a bit vague
what's the clue for 7 suezy?
7d: Its courses are numbered.. (4) : ?e?i
7 is it possibly menu?
Thats what I'm putting down janbee :)
Thank you :)
Question Author
thanks to all the generous who have shared their knowledge with me. I think 7d has to be menu

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RTE 20

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