Many thanks, mintyman and congratulations to zita-green! 1968 is much easier than last week's puzzle. However, the definition at 17A and the wordplay at 30D don't quite convince me. Does anyone else have problems here, or am I failing to see something?
Many thanks for the links. I'll attempt this later but I couldn't resist "cheating" by looking in my tattered and battered "Chambers Dictionary Of Dates". At least I'll be able to "solve" 12 down now.
I would be interested to know if you prizewinners leave it to the last minute to post or whether you send them straightaway. I got a runner up prize on the Spectator last year and that was sent second class a few days before the closing date. Got the Times prize twice in two weeks last year and that was sent immediately second class.
When I post off, which is not often, I send first class. When depends on closing date. For the Speccie, I send in about a week before closing. I won Beelzebub first time I submitted and the Indy three times in as many weeks. Bui no luck with Everyman, the Guardian or the Sindy. It's sheer luck, I think.
I think it's purely the luck of the draw as to whether you win or not. I always post them off second-class at my earliest opportunity and this will go in the post tomorrow.
Hello everyone; grats Z-g - very pleasing. It is almost as good as winning when you 'know' the victor! We send ours off second class as soon as they are filled in, otherwise they get lost in a pile of papers... and we have never won anything - except many, many decades ago in a long defunct magazine called Games and Puzzles - does anyone else remember it? Pleasant puzzle this week filling in a bit of a knowledge gap. We think the 30d stretch is OK, but 17a is a bit too elastic for me to be completely happy.