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Times Jumbo 879

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frameshift | 07:14 Mon 12th Jul 2010 | Crosswords
4 Answers
Tricky one this week with some hard to fathom clues.
33a My college's principal, unrestrained after Oxford honours course (5, 5) G - A - T - C - T - Only thing I can think of is GREAT SCOTT.
20d Green and Liberal coming in to challenge me from below (7) L - E - A - D Again, only thing I can think of is LEEWARD.
32d Point's tougher, extremely hampered by poor pool style (12) - R - A - T - T - O - E BREASTSTROKE is pool style, but why?

Thanks for any explanations, or maybe I've got something wrong.


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33a greats = university classics course, c = college principal, ott = unrestrained
br easts tr oke
easts = points
tr = tougher extremely
enclosed within broke
20d emerald
d l are me reversed
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Thanks Oldred. I did have something wrong then, but the clue was a bit trickyy as well.

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