Thanks for the puzzle Mintyman. Haven´t attempted it for a couple of weeks, due to my house move and discovering my gorgeous garden has become overrun with couch grass, bindweed, horsetail and creeping buttercup amongst others. It has been untended for several months, so alas crosswords may not have my full attention for a few weeks yet.
Congratulations Teacher. Great stuff
That was the last pairing for me too, K - a bit looser than the others, and not helped by the fact that one of the pair could equally well have gone with another pairing.
I have paired 28 & 39, 38 & 5D, and 2 & 33, leaving 16 (tiger?) and 20D (D?M?). Can't decide between relays/redoes/recurs for 23A. Must say I was on the wrong horse for a while...