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Times Jumbo 882

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eac2337 | 07:31 Sat 31st Jul 2010 | Crosswords
4 Answers
They have done it again. The clues for the Times Jumbo Cryptic in the online version are the same as for the Times 2 Jumbo Crossword.


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So they are. send me an email at [email protected] and I'll send you a pdf. Or you can email the Times. And wait....
Meanwhile, here's a thought. If you fill the grid online from the real clues rather than the T2 ones, does it count? Has anyone ever won with an online entry, anyway?
Yes, I won the Times Saturday with an on-line entry. It is bloody annoying though. I've emailed them countless times about the bad service, but they don't publish my comments: 'Is the webmaster voluntary?' 'can't image anyone being paid for the poor service', etc.
Congratulations! I'll keep trying. I see today they have a message about the non-function of the bulletin board which I hadn't seen before. Another 6 weeks or so and maybe we'll have something. For a premium service, it's probably one of the world's worst - and they did once post a comment like that, so you may still get your complaint on the board.

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Times Jumbo 882

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