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scot on sunday

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creamegg | 15:12 Sun 15th Aug 2010 | Crosswords
5 Answers
26a- skip with love to little child - almost

27a- office workers born outwith march and april

7d- timons leading character

12a- two couples perhaps going out 24/7, 24/7
double ???e


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26a O-mit(e)
27a Not-Aries
7d Alpha (Timon of Athens, so Greek alphabet)
12a Double date
Question Author
You are so so clever, the way your brain must work to fathom out these mind numbing clues! Thankyou!
Happy to help :-)
26a omit
12a date
Sorry, ignore my posting. I forget to scroll down to see if it had already been answered.

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scot on sunday

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