I agree. I have 3 labradors, working dogs, never been in the house, have a lovely purpose built shed and run in the garden. Very easy to say keep the pets indoors but that would not work for me. Fortunately, these 3 do not appear to be scared, but poor old Chubby who was put to sleep in April, was absolutely terrified. If you were out walking with him, he would bolt in panic. Used to shake from top to toe. If it was one night a year that would not be so bad, but it seems to have extended into bonfire fortnight, bit like Xmas going on for 2 months before the event we know as Xmas day. As you say, we have them for too many other reasons, apparently they are getting to be a "must have" at birthday parties. I think shops should only sell them to organised bonfire parties and not at any other time of the year.