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ft 13548

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barry.m | 11:47 Mon 22nd Nov 2010 | Crosswords
5 Answers
stuck on three - 7d "if red, flyer with South American name (5) I have s?a?? Could be start (redstart) perhaps but that is already elsewhere in the crossword.
12a: "Cleared away what was inclined towards the stern. (5) I have r???? It could be raked, but where does stern come in?
8d: "Say when for ticket to stock exchange? (4,3) I have n?m?, ??y. I thought it might be name day, but that seems clumsy and in any case, why stock exchange?


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7s s hank
Question Author
Thanks Oldred - any thoughts on the 8d one, as no-one else has come in on that one? Thanks.
Question Author
Thanks Oldred and bibblebub. All sorted now. Appreciate your speedy responses. barrym

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