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amtaff | 21:17 Tue 01st Feb 2011 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Last one, help please. 27d.(They) appear, in Paris (10) ?A?A?S?E?T


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Thanks. Your'e on the ball!
you're very welcome
Somebody posted a link to the Christmas Generalist and I found it very enjoyable. If that fellow solver is still out there, is there any chance of a repeat on a regular basis? I'm ashamed to say that I don't even know the name of the publication in which it appears, or how frequently. "Mintyman" provides an invaluable service in posting a PDF version of the Spectator every Thursday.
It's in Prospect magazine turast. If you bookmark this link - scroll down to bottom right , and click on download crossword - you should be able to get it every month.

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