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Good morning, I’m stuck on the following for which I seek help. Many thanks in advance! 14a A short time taken by Hunt, yet devastated an English region (9) : T?N?E?U?H
21a Bloated corporation at... ...
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Can anyone help with this clue? I have s-u-
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hi I've got he top and left perimeter invaders, but would like hints for the bottom and right ones
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This is the Sunday World (Quick Crossword) I cannot get started  with the beginning of this have the bottom half  completed. 10a Obtain (7) ??????e (sorry that is the only letter I have. 11a Feather... ...
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davey b
This Nat can create entanglement - can?    G?N?L?M?N
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i completed the daily mail big crossword on sat 29th sept.            i got the answers as  COVERS but someone threw the paper away. can anyone tell me the text number to send the answer and is it... ...
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7d Hypnotic sound into which I check(8) 16d Magnify from beginning to end, say(9)
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19 d one. Will find the old remains of a sword around the ship (6) fossil ? 25a subtle arrangement featuring in 19 century fashion (6) ?u?t?e
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3d. 11 letters Smell from Russian river fish disappearing 
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I have 10 a's 11 i's 
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In some acrosss clues there is an incorrect letter.. In some down clues there is a letter missing... I have a full grid and have made the changes, but can't see the "city name". Didn't seem to need... ...
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1a, plausibility, c???r?i?i?y.  15a, unconscious, u?a?a?e. Is this a Awre or unaware?.   Many thanks.
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1d, suddenly and unexpectedly, ?u?o?t???a?r.  Many thanks.
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Is here: ...
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I have 11?
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Number of "A"s>>>10.
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18d & 24a. Create the city of Oedipus in bespoke fashion, it's what you have to do when things are not going your way. (4,3,4,2,2)  Many thanks   
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15a Bank where Shapps invests cash in chips?(8) 17d Old station broadcast repeated musical phrase(8)

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