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Camps Hill

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owllady | 19:36 Thu 24th Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Answers are films with a reference to a musical instrument in the title.
Capital letter is the reference:

2) w T f
3) f D s
8) t a w p h H
17) B t w c
21) i V

Thanks for any help


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2 When Trumpets Fade
8. The angel who pawned her HARP.(1956)
3 Flower Drum Song
17 Banjo the Woodpile Cat? (short animated TV film)
21. innocent voices, imperial venus, imperial venus, irma vep etc

Not sure whether anything is musical instrument though.
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Thank you all very much
21. international velvet, i vitelloni but can't see the musical connection.
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Thanks for your help scotman but I think you are right with Innocent Voices

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Camps Hill

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