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Missing posts

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slimfandango | 01:45 Fri 25th Mar 2005 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers

Why do some users posts just go missing? All of the ones left by Joeyshablydo have disappeared, leaving a bunch of holes throughout various threads. Can users just delete their username?



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Strange, very strange. So if a person decides to no longer post Qs/As on AnswerBank everything s/he has done disappears? Wonder if that is a glich or by design.
yes, I noticed that - just before Joeyshablydo's posts vanished, the spelling of his name changed in the posts that were there (making me wonder if I'd somehow misread it), then phffft... Do ABers have any previous form in being abducted by aliens?
Can the answerbank just swallow up people, never to be heard of again:  I too wonder where joeyshablydo has gone.  Reveal yourself joey!!!

Dear Users

As you may be aware the AnswerBank has been modified to stop multiple user names from being used.


AB Editor - hello - can you tell what you mean by  multiple user names - is it one person with lots of identities on the answerbank??

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