Two things and I am serious.
1. There is a big difference between voting the SNP into a majority in Holyrood to voting for a yes to independence. Alex (and I was at Uni with him) - learn your lesson tonight from Cleggie as to AV - and all past polls have indicated a strong preference for the Scots to remain as part of the UK. It would be interesting to poll us English on this, I must say.......
2. When this independence question has risen in the past, the Shetlands and Orkneys have indicated their preference to remain with the rest of the UK. In short, and look at the agreement over borders as to owns the marine oilfields in Europe, sorry this would mean that most oil stays within English and "the Rest" control, sorry Mr Jock..... The Shetlanders have gone on record saying that if England didn't want them (and why should we say no to them), they would prefer to revert to Norway than succumbing to Edinburgh and the loons there.
Any Shetlanders/Orcadians on here - or even comments from any Hebrideans about their perceptions?.