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Should we dress to please others?

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RATTER15 | 11:41 Mon 09th May 2011 | ChatterBank
72 Answers
Following on from another thread.

I imagine we all criticise the way people dress on occasions, I know I do to some degree.

When we see a 16 stone woman with her crop-top on and displaying an unsightly belly flap.

Should she hide it from us? or good on her for wearing what she wants to wear?

The young guys that look like their jeans are about to fall down because they are far far lower than is traditional, good on him or pull them up properly, you look ridiculous?

Im not talking about displaying too much cleavage or showing their pubes, or skirt to short etc.


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I think to an extent we should.

However, in some cases, like a very large person wearing revealing clothes, (including men who wear t-shirts where you can see the bottom of their belly exposed), I would question whether they were doing that because they are a) truly happy with the way they look b) wanting attention and think this is the only way they can get it or c) actually have very low self esteem and it's all a front.

I'll probably get nailed for saying this but certainly in cases of very heavy woment wearing very revealing clothes, it's not been my expereince that they are truly happy with themselves.
To a certain degree I think we should. Seeing my son with his jeans round his arse winds me he should pull them up in front of me and pull them down when with his mates...
We should dress to please ourselves, as long as we don't break the unwritten rules on modesty. If people want to pick holes in us for our clothes sense, then that is their problem.
I don't think we should ever dress to please others, but it's always good to dress modestly, preserving our dignity. Shame some are oblivious to how bad they look.
Having said that, I can't stand seeing men, however toned they might be walking around towns or driving lorries bare chested. That is my problem though, it just turns my stomach.
I think, wear what you want and what you feel comfortable in, although when I put on some weight and I put my jeans on and they are tight, I don't feel comfortable in them so it makes me wonder if that 16 stone woman with the crop top on, really is comfortable, Perhaps this is about body confidence..

I see women bigger in size to me wearing an outfit I wouldn't have the nerve to wear as i would feel self conscious in it and they look great in it and seem confident, so power to them if they are happy.

In regards the fashion of guys wearing their jeans half way down their arse with their boxers or tighty whiteys showing, It makes me cringe!!! It doesn't look "cool", "hip" or "ghetto" you just look like an idiot who can't dress himself properly!
i am perfectly happy with myself........

on the large men with belly revealed - ill fitting tops do have a part to pay, fatboy was always moaning about that one, i did tell the stupid fekker to go buy stuff that fit but that was a bit too logical
I am bothered more by people who wear clothes that look and smell like they have never been washed...
I definitely dress to please myself - my look is "ageing rock chick"
yes if it involves English tourists (usually rather large) wearing bikinis and men not wearing tops walking down my high street, then yes please cover up to pelase me"!
my look is very ageing rock chic with new tooth!
i love people wearing all kinds diff stuff, brightens my day when i'm bored so i people watch over the cctv
Exactly Rowan.
I like fashion and adapt it to be suitable for my (advanced ) age!
so neti - you have just the one tooth????
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I often find it disturbing when I see big fat ladies with it all hanging out, it does look unsightly but I do also think, fair game to them for wearing it but I wish they wouldn't!! It puts me off my bacon butties!!
ahem :-)
I just think you attract in what you put out (not just in the sense of clothing), so if you're flaunting yourself but actually are quite uncomfortable on the inside, then I would imagine you're going to come a cropper in terms of what you want and what you portray.
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Mccfluff, you are an exception, I wouldn't call you large anyway, just cuddly!! :-) xxx
I do feel people should wear what they feel comfortable in, as long as it does not make others feel uncomfortable or offend ... does that make sense? To explain ... we were at a wedding a while ago where the bride's sister wore what looked like a cheap, grubby looking skin tight extremely short beach dress.. It stood out a mile in all the photos! I was annoyed that she had not considered the fact that these photos were going to be precious to the bride and groom and wearing something so unsuitable was inconsiderate, to say the least! You may love running around in your underwear at home, but you wouldn't drop in to your neighbours or the shops wearing the same attire, would you??

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