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Childhood games.

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cupid04 | 16:51 Mon 09th May 2011 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
What games did you play as a child in the school playground and at home.

I remember french skipping, cat's cradle,skipping ,rounders etc, how about you?


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Double Dutch jump rope, kickball. My favorite when I was really little was "Duck, Duck, Goose". What's "rounders"?
I used to nick cigarettes and plant them under my brother's pillow to get him into trouble. That was my favourite game ever.
Baseball but without the padding........
Rounders is girls' baseball................
Yes, our girls are brave playing rounders without protection.
No hc, with protection girls' can play anything.
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Leap frog. Anyone remember playing that?
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gobs [ fivestones] and knock down ginger, tin can tommy.
40,40! Knock down ginger!
Kiss, cuddle or torture..
We only played Football in the playground. Rounders on the School playing field..

We had a version of Tag, where one person started as "It" and added team-mates when someone was caught.

Kick The Can - a version of Hide-and-Seek, where one person searched and had to rattle the can (Left in a designated place) on the ground three times and call out that persons name. If anyone not caught kicked the can then everone was freed and could re-hide.

Kingy. Another version of Tag, played with a Tennis ball. "It" was determined by everyone standing in a circle (Left foot to Right foot), the ball dropped in the Centre and kicking the ball through someones legs. If you were hit with the ball you became a team-mate of "It." You could also hold the ball between your fists and run away from "It" or hit it away, to escape.
I used to build aeroplanes with Lego then pretend the Osmonds were aboard and crash them on the living room carpet.
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Kiss chase.
Cats cradle, hopscotch, jacks (all the time!), skipping games, We also played a tag game at school whose name I can't remember - you stood in a circle one in front of each other, and the tag ran round chasing someone until that person stood in front of a pair, and then the back person became "it". I don't know why, I hated that game, it made me very anxious it would be me!
'Kerby'. Saw some kids playing it the other day, which was quite refreshing; not totally reliant on technology to have fun.
Offground tick.

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