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****Science Quiz****

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samz90 | 20:22 Sat 26th Mar 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers

1. Unlike most other fish, sharks have no what?

2. Name the 3 forms of carbon:

3. What is special about the metal mercury?

4.If you were to take a lump of coal and squeeze it for a long time at very high temperatures, what would end up with?

5. What is special about Sirius, the Dog Star?

6.The platypus and the echidna are the only mammals that have certain characteristics. What are they?

7. How far away is the moon?

8. Who was the inventor of the jet engine?

9. What solid shape has 12 identical faces?

10. What device controls current in a DC circuit?

11. What solid shape has the largest volume for a given surface area? 





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4. diamond
7. 239,000 miles
8 Frank Whittle

3 Always found in liquid form.

4 Only mammals that lay eggs

3  Its a Liquid

9  Dodecahedron

5 The Brightest star in the sky

1  No Swim Bladder

2 Graphite  Diamond  Buckminsterfullerene

10.  Inverter

11. Ellipsoid (egg shape)

1.  Sharks have no bones � it's all cartilage (see )

11. A Sphere has the greatest volume for a given area.  
1 Sharks have no bones, the skeleton is made of cartilage.

2.  You can also have amorphous carbon (like soot).

10. In a DC circuit (eg powered by a battery) the current depends on the resistant of the circuit.  A resistor would give you a set current. If you wanted to put it up or down, a variable resistance would be what you wanted.

4, The coal will become oil.

6.  They are both monotremes and one charactaristic is that the urinary, digestive and reproductive organs have a common opening.
3 Mercury is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature
1. Bones
2. Graphite, Diamond, Coak
3. Liquid at room temperature
4. Diamond
6. Lay eggs,
9. Dodecahedron
10. Switch

Just read CoffinJoe's answer carefully.  Unless I'm much mistaken, I slight typo has resulted in this combination:

Q:If you were to take a lump of coal and squeeze it for a very long time at high temperatures, what would you end up with?

A: Only mammals that lay eggs!

Bloomin good trick if you can do it!!! :)

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****Science Quiz****

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