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celebrity anagram quiz

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cozzer | 19:39 Tue 17th May 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers
awakes rain-vans [clue is a singer]


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Do you know if the answer is also hyphenated?
awakesrainvans [singer, 2 words], no punctuation at all
Question Author
thank you both but i have no idea what to seach for thanks again for your quick responce
savanna skiwear?
nirvanas awakes?
Kansan airwaves?

Are the letters definitely right?
This has been asked several times but I don't think anyone's come up with an answer yet.
vanessa wakira? ( doubt she exists but this might propmpt another idea)
You're missing an N with that one Factor30 it would have to be wakiran (or some more dubious anagrams!)
There are definitely some dubious anagrams!
According to this link the letters are correct


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celebrity anagram quiz

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