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Farmers Guardian - 03/06/11

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Bob454 | 16:02 Sun 05th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
4 Answers
Can anyone help with:
23D Dust raised by an East Anglian flower (5) ( S - O - R)

I was thinking possibly Stour, but don't understand how it fits with the clue.
Any explanation, or the actual correct answer, would be appreciated.



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Stour - Scots word for dust & a river (flower, something that flows)
So you are bilingual as well as brainy,LIK! Can never beat you to the answer
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Many Thanks Lie-in-King - didn't know the Scots link
Bob454, if you google scots words then scroll down to scots glossary you'll find hundreds of scots words in alphabetical order with their English meanings

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Farmers Guardian - 03/06/11

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