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dave1948 | 19:21 Fri 08th Jul 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
13 Answers
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21d thirst is suppressed after second bottle (5)

any ideas ?


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21d. s will?
vegasmad really clever swill
Thankyou sibton :-) - although not 100% sure that it's right.
By the way, love your avatar sibton.
Can't say I'm convinced by swill. How does the wordplay work?

Are you sure of your letters?
s(econd) will (bottle), swill - to suppress your thirst/to drink large quantities of liquid
But 'bottle' is courage rather than will. Different things IMO.
thanks vegasmad Alfie my favourite
samak dictionary gives will as a meaning of bottle
scroll down to the synonyms. But as I said previously I'm not 100% sure that it's right.
Thanks Vegas. I've never heard it used as a synonym for will but I will bow to the thesaurus.
Probably about time we heard from the OP again.
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I think the answer is spine

s =second
thirst = pine
How can it be swill when the last letter is "E" ?? Spine is obviously the correct answer.

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