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Food and Drink.

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lordgyllene | 08:25 Sat 16th Jul 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
2 Answers
The question reads as follows: No 44s rivals' afters (6,6,7). The answer to question 44 is liver which is arrived by detaching the "water" part of Liverpool. All of which leads me to deduce that Everton must be in the answer somewhere (presumably the last word) but despite trawling madly I am none the wiser.
The answer is some sort of sweet/dessert


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Sticky Toffee Pudding? Aren't Everton known as the Toffies?
08:31 Sat 16th Jul 2011
Sticky Toffee Pudding? Aren't Everton known as the Toffies?
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Thanks Plautus. A bit of lateral thinking was needed.

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Food and Drink.

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