I've been thinking today about all of the people who do difficult jobs or really dull jobs. If you are one you have my sympathies.
Which three jobs would you least like to do?
Mine are
1 - Abattoir worker - or anything to do with killing animals
2 - Gallery attendent - mind numbing!
3 - Colonoscopist - day in day out? Very admirable people.
Did you know that dentists have to buy half a dead body when they are training (two students share a whole one - they don't actually get half a body!)?
I also believe that the stats show that dentists have a very high suicide rate. Sad, but it must be hard to work in a job where so many people are terrified of you.
I just watched Silent Witness and two men were getting a body out of the river. They were both in wet suits but it must have been very cold and uncomfortable for them. I don't mean the actors but the real people who do this sort of job are very brave. And the forensic scientists who have to deal with decaying bodies have my admiration. All those maggots - eeugh! Not forgetting the more mundane jobs like men working on high live electricity wires or gas mains or water mains. Very uncomfortable and dangerous.
No its not proctology - its a job on exploration rigs for oil - measuring the change in pressures to help build up an estimate of recoverable oil. Great job title though.
>>Boxtops: Body-hair waxer would come pretty low down the list for me....
I think pulling the hairs out of someone else with wax would be therapeutic, it would get rid of loads of stress. Something like a male torso would be fun.
I used to pay/not pay benefits to people - that was 'fun'. After 24years and 33 days I had a meltdown and haven't worked since.