Apologies have been received from Daisy-Nonna who is heading towards a place that rhymes with Foster. One would have thought that with all this rain that she was taking a bit of a chance. Still, doubtless she will report back on her return.
Hopefully our dear Matron will be here again this week to tend to our every need. The stand-in butler did his best last week , but the service was just not the same.
Any raffle prizes will be gratefully received. At present there are a couple of cough drops and a green sock. (Been a bit of a week here.)
Please don't take away the waffles, slinky. We need them for later.
Sorry to hear about your cheeks, though. Are they very puckered ? Would vaseline help ?
ahem...hello (Peers at you from behind dark glasses) no more tailcocks for mercia...well no more pine toilet duck and red bull...my teeth still itch from that one, although the hallucinations have gone. I've bought prizes for the raffle: I chipped glass marble
I empty 250ml 7UP bottle (plastic)
1 piece of twisted wire....
The prizes get better as the night goes on, sorry I have been absent from my post, I have not been the same since my visit to the neolithic burial chamber.
Neolithic burial chamber? Is that one of them yoofymizzim thingies for the butlers pantry? Coz it was all certainly going on in there last week. Or coming off rather - I saw more pink cheeks than....well.....and giggling at somebody 'hiding the sausage'...