parental responsibility means he has the same rights as you, exactly the same rights, whether you like it or not. Chris gave you the link to PR and what it means - go read it on your duplicate thread
He has been her father, will continue to be her father and ergo has 'done something' for your child. Just because you say he hasn't doesn't make it so.
Sadly, many mothers, and fathers, do not see that they are using their child as the weapon to 'get back at' the other parent and become very defensive when told that actually, they are doing just that.
You wish to stop contact *just because* you think he has done nothing for her?
What your child needs and deserves and has a RIGHT to are very different to your reasons why you think HE shouldn't see her - see, you're thinking only of what you can take form him and not what you can give your daughter
Try to think of it from her POV. You are being selfish from my POV, so perhaps that is what she will see when she is old enough. Stop her seeing her father now and you open yourself up for all sorts of heartache in her older years because she will wholly blame you for her lack of contact, and quite rightly so
If you feel she may not be safe with him, then there are contact centres for just that kind of thing; allowing safe contact.
So, again, to answer your question of Does he has any rights? YES, he has every right. But your question is wrong. It should be 'Does my daughter have any rights to see her father'? To which the answer is also YES!
Read your other thread for whether or not a court will say otherwise as I am sure someone answered there to tell you, no, they won't. They will agree with your replies here