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MM Links Game Results Sept Week 2

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gen2 | 18:00 Sun 11th Sep 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
I can now reveal Manx Queenie's chosen links which were:

STEAM Roller

This week's points were

3 beejay1124
3 Elspeth
2 lysander
2 owllady
2 paulineward
2 twix123
1 cliffyg
1 cupid04
1 Dinkypuzzled
1 Euphemia
1 Strix

Hotshot of the week is Elspeth

and after two weeks, the leaderboard looks like this

4 Elspeth
4 owllady
3 beejay1124
2 Euphemia
2 jobjockey
2 lysander
2 Ont-ice Mrs
2 patchett
2 paulineward
2 twix123
1 BigMac
1 boxtops
1 cliffyg
1 cupid04
1 Dinkypuzzled
1 Ont-ice Mr
1 Strix
1 ulysses100

Sorry about the abbreviated posting tonight - I have been ill all this week - particularly today


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Thanks for that gen2. I do hope you feel better soon.
Thank you gen2 for managing the posting.Hope your health soon improves.
Thank you gen2. Hope you feel better soon
sorry you're not well, gen2, but that way of reporting the score is really easy to understand!
Get well soon x
Get well soon gen 2 and well done for still managing the results in difficult circumstances.
well done gen 2 but don't double points still apply within the timescale
From last week's Hotshot to this week's president of the FreeFall club.
Get well soon Gen2.
Had you sent a note yesterday along with the chosen words, I would have done the count for you last night.
Remember that in future.
Thanks to Manxie Queen - We're not on your wave length at all. May do better next week (Hopefully) as we will have the weekend to ourselves for a change, so maybe we'll do better. :-/

And a special thanks to Gen2 for his dedication, I do hope that you feel better soon.
Thanks gen2...hope you're feeling much better soon.
Thanks Gen2, I hope that you're felling better soon....and thanks to Manx Queenie, I've got some points at last.
Thank you MQ and gen2 - hope you'll soon be feeling better.
I don't think I'll be here next week; off to Yorkshire for a long weekend and I don't know whether I'll be within easy reach of a computer. Good luck to everyone anyway.
Hope you feel better soon.
And thank you for the results.
Do get better, gen2 - then I might get more points!

Congratulations to the scorers, commiserations to all the others and best of luck to everyone next week.

hope you're on the mend, gen2 and thanks for your efforts, though I don't seem to be making any impressions at all !!

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MM Links Game Results Sept Week 2

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