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desserts, cakes and biscuits

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goldiewi | 13:23 Tue 20th Sep 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
26 Answers
girl with a whip (7)
she can't make up her mind (7)
many thanks in advance


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Thanks Boxtops - by the way, I am Marpycoo (childhood abbreviation for Martin) not Marpy. Another answer is Derbyshire slapper = Bakewell Tart !
And then there were two - Riches for a monkey = DOUGHNUTS
Fair dos, marpycoo - but you may find others abbreviate your name too, it's a friendly AB habit - most people call me boxy.
No problem - actually I was "Marpy Cuckoo" but abbreviated it myself.
And another one - Shining star with one of seven = SUN-DAE
Dear All - after a night spent tossing and turning, I finally got the last answer
- in the same way that 21. Call a cab (4) was TAXI, 25. Cut yourself off is - wait for it -
BREAKAWAY (branded chocolate bar)

My thanks to all my newly acquired AB friends - I'll let you know if I win ! !

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desserts, cakes and biscuits

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