No 94 Has anyone any idea of the answer the setter wants in relation to this picture? Ie the "supposed name of the supposed building"? I've googled for hours but all that I found as a description is "shell on beach at Mangalore". I see that an ABer has offered Hawaii as a clue already but I really can't find it at all. Could someone give me just another clue please?
I found the same picture and put what you said, ages ago the compiler of this quiz said that this one was not a building or structure.
Can you help with number 43 please.
Yes she did say that it wasn't a building but that she would give a point for the "supposed" building for the picture that she had found which is why I presume that the answer simply can't be the shell. It has to be more than that but what? I simply have no idea.
As for 43 I have him as a famous fashion designer of the 60's. Good luck tpw536w.
Thank you Smurf. I had in fact already tried this but I thought I'd just try again. I've just spent two whole hours trying every combination I can think of but still can't find it. Is there any chance of another clue? Please...