Answers are places, buildings, events etc that are or happen in Yorkshire. This one sked before but it has stumped me and obviously many others. It's the last to solve..... 1. He threw pot around his head to stir competitors (20, 3 words). As always any hint welcome, thanks.
I've been co-opted to help with this quiz and wondered if "to stir competitors" might be translated as "Wakefield". wake (to stir) and field ( a group of competitors).
Also "he threw pot" could be an anagram of "thorpe" something or might refer to a potter, who "throws" pots.
Do you have an answer to the anagram at no. 33?
Brokenbank,you're on the right lines with Wakefield - I have it now, thanks. No.33 took some time to get into. It's BRAMHAM INTERNATIONAL HORSE TRIALS. Good luck.
Many thanks..............a friend is doing this and got stuck, so knowing I did lots of crosswords, she asked me to help. She only has No. 60 to do to complete the quiz.