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fruit in the answer

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jim45 | 18:29 Mon 10th Oct 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
please can anyone help all answers contain a fruit no.8 smart with apples 10.5.letters no.11 big band or rock number 9 letters no. 35 spike and al's answer no.43 footie dish 6.4.letters no. 48 stretched loyalty 9.letters grateful for any help


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Can't help much but do have 35 Yes we have no bananas. 43 has been answered as Lemon Sole but of course the letters do not match. Like you I am still missing the others also 9 Denim Hat (9) 36 Swimming too long (5) 42 What a great time we're having (4 2 4 1 4 2 8) & 46 Live Aid Offspring (7)
Can you help please.
For 11 a clue was given to look at rock band number 1's & big band lists.
46 - Peaches (Geldof)?
42 Life is just a bowl of cherries ?
36 prune - hand/feet when you swim too long ?
9 denim hat - blueberry ? - blue beret
11 might be tangerine ? found it by a big band and by Led Zeppelin
Thanks sherrardk and Fibonacci, what a help you've been, only 45 & 48 needed now.
Sorry I appear to have missed out 45 Oooh he's getting hot under the collar (7 5)
45 Passion Fruit ?
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thanks everyone for your help
Thanks again Fibonacci your help is much appreciated.

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