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Didn't maggie sell off our oil wells and anything else that we had?? It does annoy me when every tory ends their speech or interview with " we are trying to sort out the deficit that we inherited from labour" yes, o.k. what are you going to do about it, as so far the tories have raised unemployment, done absolutely nothing to help the ecomomy ( training centres, get the idle back to work, where's the jobs??? no money in the economy, no jobs, downward spiral) it appears that the tories listen to " pub talk " and think that all the people on the dole are sitting at home watching videos and drinking lager, having a whale of a time on benefits. really time that people truly understood that the tories look after number one and their mates. How long, another 3 years, even the reasonably well off will suffer, but the ultra rich will be laughing all the way to the bank.
lets hope none of our elderly relatives die of cold this winter.