Dean Gibson School has a new quiz entitled ‘A Christmas Story’, now available from:
(NB It is NOT downloadable or sent by email - if you buy on line, your quiz will be posted to you within 1 working day)
Alternatively, you can send £1 + SAE to:
Mrs L Oldfield
Parkside Road
Please make cheques payable to Dean Gibson School. If sending cash, please sellotape to your request as loose coins tend to escape their envelopes.
Closing date: 28th January 2012
REQUEST: I would be grateful if people would refrain from posting the questions on-line before the end of November, to give others a chance to have a go themselves. Many thanks for your support.
NOTE for those who sent in payment together with your entry for the last quiz: your new quiz sheets have now been posted, together with the answers / winners names etc for ‘What Not To Wear'.