No stamp required: the situation is vacant (4,4) ???? ?O?T
Having shocking potential (8) E?E???I?
I assumed the first answer was FREE POST and the second would have been ELECTRIC. However the last letter of the first word in the first answer is also the fifth letter of the second answer which means both cannot be correct.
Any suggestions for alternatives would be appreciated.
Invariably in this particular crossword the answer satisfies both parts of the question.I dont see how "last post" actually fits either unless I'm missing something. However I do appreciate your suggestions.
but you have put the T in the end of the 2nd part of the first clue which would fit. If you were sure of the T being the last letter of the 1st part of the first clue why didnt you put it there
Sorry for the delay , been busy. Just to clarify. If the first answer is "free post" then the letter pattern for the second word is definitely E?E?E?I?. However if the second answer is "electric" then the letter pattern for the first word is ???T ?O?T.Sorry if it seems complicated.
They do seem to be the logical answers but I've never known them get the answers wrong. I do actually have one last answer missing on this crossword which ties in with the first answer i.e maybe "free post". This is it: One might expect it to be counter productive (4) S???. If The other answer is "free post" then the 3rd letter would be the "R" from that answer.