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Harrowden | 18:43 Thu 17th Nov 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Briitish actress used on line gym unto oblivion (5 5) beginning with either m or n

Singer Menelli designed a place of exile (6 5) beginning with M.

Any help gratefully received.


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Hmmm, should I tell you? it could lessen my chances of winning a bottle of champers.
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Just done Singer menelli soon as I typed it I realised the answer. (all that champagne would not be good for you !)

A hint for British actress would perhaps jog the brain cells!
one of our best actresses in my opinion, can't think aof a clu but is an anagram of peg (on line) gym unto.
doh, of a clue!
Question Author
many thanks rockyracoon and I hope that gigantic bottle comes your way!
Glad you got it. I was on the point of giving you a clue! Must admit I got the surname knowing it began with M+place of exile. Found this quiz quite challenging.
ahhh got it!
Thank you for that clue,rockyracoon. Finshed now.
I really enjoy these quizzes, I get really anti social indoors while I'm doing it. Hope they do a new one for after Christmas.

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