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compass cryptic crossword

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grahams27 | 15:54 Tue 29th Nov 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Can't decide which should be the answer, clue is Broke sounding surge
p??r is it poor or pour
Thanks in advance


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I'd go with, Pour
Yes- a surge that is broke-sounding (sounding like poor)
These types of clues can be amibiguous sometimes.
It could be either with only the three words. Presumably the o/u isnt an intersecting letter and doesn't affect anything else. Therefore take pot luck and know in your heart of hearts that you are right and that the setter got it wrong
Pour came up as one alternative when I put Surge in a Thesaurus and it sounds like Poor (broke) so I think the setter was right.

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