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occupations ... last few to get

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nurse1967 | 11:07 Sun 11th Dec 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
4. fuzzy stripe (6)
9. an animal gets into a long rod (6)
12. will always be at the tail or in the front (6)
30. air conditioned lock (7)
39. move forward (7)
51. tick it ? crimson picture goes back (6,6)
60. paid by the parish to search for foxes (9)
73. going round it sounds correct (11)
75. one who replaces an end perhaps (8)


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30 answered some time back on another post as AC TRESS (lock as in hair) http://www.theanswerb.../Question1061347.html
73. Wheelwright
No 9 is here http://www.theanswerb.../Question1066903.html

nurse, lots of these have been asked before (as you see) - if you type the clue into the red box at the top of the screen and press Search, all the other posts about this quiz which feature that question will come up.

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occupations ... last few to get

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