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Christmas Post

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jd_here | 09:14 Mon 19th Dec 2011 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Has anybody noticed how many envelopes are arriving with the stamp unfranked? I've already got about a dozen ready for next year!


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I used to steam them off and recycle the unfranked ones.
No I haven't, I must take a closer look.
I had a parcel with 6 1st class stamps unfranked. They are quick enough to demand the extra £1 + the shortage with underpostage though!
If you peel them off now though doesn't it leave behind a bit of the middle of stamp?
I was duped with a book of stamps recently- when i peel them out of the book some of them came out with a hole in the middle so i couldn't use them.
I used to reuse them but now I send so few letters that when i do send them I don't think it's worth the risk of a letter not arriving because the stamp is rejected
leave them to soak in some water - then peel off carefully & allow to dry
i would check them under a uv light first
Yes I've had a few unfranked but I'm paranoid there's been some invisible mark made and if I re-use them the recipients will have to pay up! :o)
Sell them on ebay, there are 100s of listings for them.
Yeah, we've definitely noticed this. No harm in using them again
might be scout post
If you use scout post you use their own special stamps.
Yes several of the ones from England are unfranked, I cut them off and send them to sister.
jd: yes, commented on this only yesterday! Using them again is (officially) theft!
You do all realise that you are admitting an act of fraud don't you ?
You should be supporting your postal service not defrauding it .
The second class letter service that is offered to you is subsidised - you pay less for it than what it costs to deliver it . If the Royal Mail goes under (100 million loss last year) you will not get that subsidised service from whatever private company replaces it . It's YOUR postal service . You should cherish it .
( I'm a delivery postman b.t.w.)
I had a card delivered with £1 charge + 12p but the postman never asked me for it, he's a bit of a misery but I hope he didn't have to pay it.
Some nasty person at the post office actually put a pen tick through my stamps because they weren't franked.
No sherrardk , the postman didn't have to pay it . After holding on to surcharged items for a length of time they are sent out for delivery anyway, because it's easier than returning them to the sender . The item will be very much delayed though .
askyourgran - through YOUR stamps ????
It was a card to me and my husband from my Dad which only came a day after the card he sent to the children.
No argostran, on the cards sent to me. ;-)

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