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Christmas Crosaire Irish Times 24th.Dec.Weekend Review

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realrocker | 18:53 Sun 25th Dec 2011 | Crosswords
7 Answers
1A Colourful coverage for the West, perhaps talking to The Irish Times,say.
( 8, 5 ) No letters as brain a blank just now.

36A Carol is way into reversing mania and ire ( 4,2,1,6 )
No letters sorry!


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36 away in a manager
manger, surely?
Yes Sandy, my typing gets worse. Good job I checked this or you would have been called dandy.
I've been called worse.
I am rubbish at cryptic clues, however, I believe the clue 'for the West' means there is a W in the answer, the irish times is a paper, so could it be:
Wrapping paper? which is a colourful coverage ????
W (West) +rapping (perhaps talking in rap music sense) + paper (Irish Times)
the above is not from Crosaire No. 14,659

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Christmas Crosaire Irish Times 24th.Dec.Weekend Review

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