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Cryptic confectionary

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woodman7 | 17:58 Fri 24th Feb 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
Any help with the following would be greatly appreciated;

e.g.Grain sweetener(6,5) = Barley sugar

2.Animal organs(9).
3.Strong alcoholic drink on the rocks(9).
5.The penny's dropped in and round objects(7,5)
7.Clever golf equipment?(8)
8.Look back at swell(7).
9.Artist inside bad-tempered animals(8).
15.Solid crystal bottom(4).
20.Reward for the legal profession(6,3).
22.Invents ice-mass first(7,5).
23.House firm departed after Charlie(9).
29.Don't forget them,mum!(5,4).
30.Stalin's new dances(5,4,9).

many thanks in advance.


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23 chocolate
20 bounty bar
29 fruit gums
22 glacier mints
7 Smarties ?
30 Uncle Joe's Mintballs ?
9 caramels
3 Liquor + ice - Liquorice
2 Bullseyes ?
5 Aniseed Balls ? - and + i see + balls
8 toffees

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Cryptic confectionary

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