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outrageous | 09:59 Thu 12th May 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Polish actor called martin ---E- (5)

Thanks for any help



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Sorry can't help but I don't think it is Martin Sheen... as below.....

Martin Sheen's mother, Mary Ann Phelan, was an Irish immigrant with IRA connections, and his father, Francisco Estevez, was a Spaniard who came to the U.S. by way of Cuba.

It is Sheen.  Polish as in buff, shine.  It's cryptic remember!

It's polish as is  clean with a duster hence "Mr Sheen" not Polish as in from Poland

feel free to exclaim Doh!!!!! - I always do when I mistake something like this :c)


My brain is obviously functioning more logically than cryptically this morning..

Sorry everyone...... I will now go back and hide under the duvet for another hour!!!!!

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