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Branded a racist!!

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alperchino | 03:34 Fri 13th Apr 2012 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
In work today we were all chatting about England and I said the amount of immigrants was out of control that are allowed in each year and should be reduced, I was branded a racist and got threatened to report me, I couldn't believe this at all.. Country gone mad?


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That's not racist. It's a fact!
quite right wbm!! does that mean we are racists too now!!
They can't alter the facts by shouting 'Racist!' bernie.
I was accused once of discrimination - 'I don't discriminate - I hate everynbody' was my reply. If anybody wants to come to this country to make a contribution to society then fine but if you want to come over here, live off our benefits system and contribute nothing, I have 2 words for you and the second is off. Sorry if this offends but it is my personal opinion, to which I believe i'm entitled to.
immigrants or migrants?
Often the 2 are confused
That's not being racist's obvious to everybody (barring the government) that our small country can't continue to support the huge numbers of immigrants who want to come and live here for a "better life"

Now if you had said "There are too many of those bl00dy ******s (whatever ethnic minority might be your pet dislike) in the country." then that could be considered racist.
not the whole country, just some zealots who think that unless we accept all into this tiny island then we are somehow racists, and expressing an opinion that this country cannot cope with more people, has them reaching for the nearest like minded person to report it to.
i think they were trying to say you are a realist.please remind them that at the moment it is still a country that has freedom of speech.
this country doesn't have freedom of speech, how many times has someone
said something similar, those few in politics who dissent, only to be shouted down, or dismissed as a racist.. It's barmy, and we have got ourselves in a mess over this issue, and it won't go away.
What ever happened to free speech?
Some people's heads are so full of racist obsessions that they see racism everywhere ... even where it doesn't exist.
How totally ridiculous! Who were they going to report you to anyway? And where does racism come into it, if you weren't singling out a particular ethnic group?
I was once reported as racist by a work colleague for turning down his half-rsed project proposal.
I have also been reported for racism by a youth who I had instructed to get on with his work in class.
In both cases I found the best route was to go involve my union, and apologies were swiftly obtained for false accusations.
it's the unmentionable subject!

did you say anything specific about the colour or race of these people?
Lets face the truth, this country isn't our country anymore !.
Is that exactly how you said it Al?
that just shows the state of the country when you cant make a simple,truthful remark alperchino..
I'm glad you were confronted head on, that's the only way to stop racism.

Well done to the person who had the courage to do so!
Confronted about what messi, speaking the truth as he See's it.
Could someone be considered a racist if they said that they thought there were too many east Europeans coming to the UK?

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Branded a racist!!

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